Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Learning Log Websites

This fortnights learning log target is to research theatres, so here are some websites that may be useful in your researching;

Happy researching!

Golden Book children 24/9/10

A quiet, polite girl, who works hard and tries her best in every single thing she does, even things that challenge her! Well done!

Chloe is extremely helpful, she always sets a good example and puts 100% effort into every piece of work she does! A real golden girl!

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

The Phantom of the Opera Masks

This week we finished our Phantom of the Opera Masks, after lots of researching, planning, designing and finally making, here are a selection of them.
Well done Year 3, they are absolutely fantastic!

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Learning Log Target 22/9/10

Learning Target 22/9/10

To research theatres.

What could you do?
- Research theatres on the internet.
- Print out pictures of theatres found on the web.
- Research theatres at the library.
- Have a go at drawing a set design of a scene from The Phantom of the Opera.
- Brainstorm what jobs you think there may be at a theatre.
- List the things found in a theatre.
- Find out about local theatres.
- Research any famous or historical theatres.
- Anything else you find out about theatres.

To be handed in by Wednesday 6th October

Golden Book Children 17/9/10

Lillie is hard working, she always tries her best and is always willing to help others.

Amber tries her best in everything she does, she produces work of a very high standard and sets a super example to others.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Golden Book Children

Here are the first Year 3 Golden Book children of 2010/2011 year, well done!
Has had a wonderful start to Year 3, he sits properly on the carpet, is willing to contribute in discussions and always does as he is asked.

Has had a super beginning to the year, she always sets a great example, always listens and always tries her best.

Welcome Back

Hi there,
This is the first post for the new academic year. Can I welcome you all back and I hope you all had a super summer. Please leave a comment on any post you wish and try to visit us as often as you can.

Miss Green