Sunday, 11 December 2011

Class Christmas Party

Year 3 will be celebrating Christmas with a party, this will take place on Thursday 15th December in the afternoon. A food list has been placed outside the classroom for everyone to pick something to bring in for the class, the food needs to be brought into school by Thursday morning. Children can bring in a party outfit to get changed into for the afternoon and we will also be visited by a special guest!!!
Lets get the party started!

Toy Day

On Friday 16th December, Year 3 are ending the term with a toy day, so all children can bring in a suitable toy to play with. All toys will be the childs responsibility to look after, but I will ensure they are secure in the classroom at break times.
I'm looking forward to joining in some of the games, so let the fun begin!

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Golden Book Children 1/12/11

This weeks golden book children;
Ayisha always produces work of a high quality, she is thoroughly enjoying Big Write and writing some fantastic pieces and she always sets a super example, truely golden!
Lois has a beautiful way of presenting her work and she always tries to do the right thing, a real golden girl!