Wednesday, 22 February 2012

New Learning Log Target

Learning Target
To research England.
We have researched other countries now lets find out about England.
What could you do?
- Locate England on a world map.
- Write about any other place you have visited in England.
- Show any pictures of any places you have visited.
- Research what food originates from here.
- Research what popular meals are eaten here.
- Do we have any famous landmarks/places?
- Do we have any particular customs?
- Find and draw the English flag.
- Find map of England.
- Are we famous for any particular types of clothing?
- Find some pictures of places in England.
- What are our famous bank holidays/festivals?
- Anything else you know about England.
To be handed in by Wednesday 7th March

Welcome Back!

Tuesday 21st February 2012

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Welcome back, I hope you all had a relaxing break, mine was very busy but also extremely exciting!
Here are some reminders of dates and topics for this coming half term.
P.E. Monday and Thursday afternoons, children will need indoor kits and suitable footwear e.g. trainers or pumps.
Spellings New spellings will be given every Monday and tests will be on the Friday afternoon of the same week, the spellings given are a focus on particular word rules e.g. suffixes, prefixes, singular, plural rather than the actual words. So when practicing them please emphasise the rule e.g. adding -ing.
Homework Homework is the learning logs, a new learning target will be put into the books every fortnight and your child will have 2 weeks to fill the 2 pages with anything they think
relates to the learning target, the deadline date will be at the bottom of the target. I would be very grateful if you could encourage your child to complete every piece of homework and to hand it in on time. It is essential for your child to get into a routine before they start high school.
Reading Please make sure your child reads their school reading book at home. I would like them to read everyday, and if you could, please, write a small comment about what they have read and sign it in their reading journal. We will aim to listen to your child read at school once a week so please ensure your child brings their book and reading record on their designated reading day.
This half term we are continuing our class theme of Celebrity Chefs, so all our subjects will be related to this. We have now chosen countries and are in the process of researching them and with this information we are going to produce a booklet which includes information about the place and food native to it.
Here are some of the activities we will be doing this half term;
Performance poetry and report writing.
As a school we follow the DCFS Mathematics framework and during this half term we will be covering blocks C, D and E unit 2 and also relating maths work to the theme, i.e. weights, measures and money.
Changing state and food related science.
Information Communication Technology (I.C.T.)
Producing an e-booklet related to the theme.
Geography and History
The history, location and information about the chosen countries.
Design Technology (D.T.).
Preparing and making a cultural meal.
Design and make a table decoration and chef outfit.
R.E./Personal, Social, Health and Cultural Education
Easter and Going for goals.
Physical Education
Net and wall games (benchball).
Songs and music related to the country chosen by the children and the theme i.e.; food and cooking.
Mrs Pound will be teaching Thursday afternoon, teaching R.E., PSHCE, French and
P.E. to cover my PPA time.
Also don’t forget our Year 3 blog which can be found on the homepage of the
school website, get blogging!

I am aware that there is a lot of information included in this letter! If any of the information is unclear, or if you have any further queries regarding your child, please do not hesitate to see me and I look forward to seeing you at parents evening later this term.
Kind regards,
Mrs M L Quinn
Year 3 Class teacher

Michaela's Symmetry Powerpoint Presentation

During the last week of half term Year 3 were learning about lines of symmetry and Michaela took it upon herself to make a symmetry powerpoint presentation. It was fantastic (she could teach me a thing or two about powerpoint!!) here are some slides from it. Well done!!!

Maths Morning

On the 8th February the whole school had a maths morning, where 2 classes worked together on different maths activities. Year 3 worked with Year 6, in the Year 3 classroom we made maths board games and in Year 6 we constructed structures using only pencils and elastic bands. We had a fantastic morning, here are some photos;

Internet Safety Day

On Tuesday 7th February was internet safety day, Year 3 found it really interesting and very educating! The digital leaders came to visit us to tell us all how to be safe while using the net, here are some pictures of the day. Here is a useful link for the website too;

More Learning Log Homework Buns

Here are some more delicious buns made by pupils for their learning log homework;
Morgan's munchy rainbow buns
Jessica's jubbly chocolate buns

Menu Pictures

As part of our Celebrity Chefs topic we have designed some menus, we made some using our own art work and some using ICT. Below are the finished articles, they are super!!

Golden Book Children (9/2/12)

Here are this weeks year 3 Golden Book children,

Brennan is a quiet boy who has tried really hard this week, especially in maths and has produced some pleasing work, keep it up!

Sarah has tried hard this week to work independently, do the right thing and complete her work to the best of her ability, well done!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Golden Book Children (2/2/12)

Here are this weeks Year 3 Golden Book Children,

Lewis is a polite boy who is always ready to learn and always does the right thing, well done!

Katie is a friendly girl, who produces pleasing work and always contributes to discussions, super!

Forensic Science Visit

On Wednesday we has a forensic science day, Year 3 absolutely loved it (so did I!!!) we had to investigate a crime scene and find clues, it was super! Here are some photos of the fun!!!!