Sunday 10 July 2011

The Final Learning Log Target for this year!!!

As I'm sure some of you will be pleased to hear this is the final learning target of Year 3. It is a really nice one to end the year, I would like you to show me some of the things you have learnt and enjoyed while you've been in Year 3!

Learning Target

To show what you have learnt during Year 3.

What could you do?
- Draw pictures of things you have learnt.

- Explain in words what you have learnt.

- Look at the class blog to look at some things we have done.

Here is a reminder of some of the things we’ve done;

- Play writing - Shape poems

- Famous authors - Letter writing
- Instructions - Myths - Report writing

- Information texts - Table/place decoration

- Animation - Maths - E-books
- Changing texts and adding graphics in ICT
- Researching on the internet - P.E.
- Teeth - Healthy eating - Forces

- Haunted places - Different countries
- Castles - Mask/puppet/menu making
- Chef’s outfit - Coat of Arms

- Making a meal - Building a model castle

To be handed in by Wednesday 20th July

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