Sunday, 11 December 2011
Class Christmas Party
Toy Day
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Golden Book Children 1/12/11
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Golden Book Children 24/11/11
Sunday, 20 November 2011
New Learning Log Target 25/11/11
To show me what you have learnt in Maths this term.
- Write what times tables you know
- Draw what 2D and 3D shapes you know
- Show what fractions you know
- Think about odd and even numbers
- Show what clock times you know
- Draw lines of symmetry on letters or shapes
- Show how you can measure lines accurately
- Draw bar charts, pictograms or tables
- Show your knowledge of addition and subtraction
- Anything else you want to show
To be handed in by Friday 9th December
Christmas Concert
Christmas Hamper Collection
Golden Book 17/11/11
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Treat and Children in Need Coffee Afternoon
Golden Book Children 10/11/11
The Phantom of the Opera Puppets
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Christmas Card Finalists
Golden Book Children 3/11/11
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Half Termly Letter Autumn 2
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Welcome back, I hope you all had a nice break.
Here are some reminders of dates and topics for this coming half term.
Monday and Thursday afternoons, children will need indoor kits and suitable footwear e.g.
trainers or pumps.
New spellings will be given every Monday and tests will be on the Friday afternoon of the same week, the spellings given are a focus on particular word rules e.g. suffixes, prefixes, singular, plural rather than the actual words. So when practicing them please emphasise the rule e.g. adding -ing.
Homework is the learning logs, a new learning target will be put into the books every fortnight
and your child will have 2 weeks to fill the 2 pages with anything they think relates to the learning target, the deadline date will be at the bottom of the target.
I would be very grateful if you could encourage your child to complete every
piece of homework and to hand it in on time. It is essential for your child to
get into a routine before they start high school.
Please make sure your child reads their school reading book at home. I would like them to read everyday, and if you could please write a small comment about what they have read and
sign it in their reading journal. We will aim to listen to your child read at school once a week (reading timetable already been sent out) so please ensure your child brings their book and reading record on their designated reading day.
This term our class theme is The Phantom of the Opera, so all our subjects will be related to this. Here are some of the activities we will be doing this half term;
Story and letter writing and author research related to The Phantom of the Opera.
As a school we follow the DCFS Mathematics framework and during this half term we will be covering blocks C, D and E unit 1 and also relating maths work to the theme, i.e. data handling.
Characteristics or materials, related to set design and theatre productions.
Information Communication Technology (I.C.T.)
Research and poster designing.
Researching local “haunted” buildings and locations.
Design Technology (D.T.).
Puppet making and set design.
Designing promotional posters.
R.E./Personal, Social, Health and Cultural Education
Christianity (Christmas), Getting on and falling out.
Physical Education
Learning Christmas songs and music related to the theme.
Mrs Pound will be teaching Thursday afternoon, teaching R.E., PSHCE, French and P.E. to cover my PPA time.
Also don’t forget our Year 3 blog which can be found on the homepage of the school website, get blogging!
I am aware that there is a lot of information included in this letter! If any of the information
is unclear, or if you have any further queries regarding your child, please do not hesitate to see me.
Kind regards,
Miss M L Green
Year 3 Class teacher
New Learning Log Target
To research puppets.
What could you do?
- Research puppets on the internet.
- Print out pictures of puppets found on the web.
- Research puppets at the library.
- Have a go at designing/drawing your own puppet.
- Write a Punch and Judy play-script.
- Research what different materials are used when making puppets and
how they are made.
- Describe your experience, if you’ve ever seen a puppet show.
- Research any famous or historical puppets/puppet shows.
- Anything else you find out about puppets.
To be handed in by Wednesday 16th November
Golden Book Children 20/10/11
Sunday, 16 October 2011
New Learning Log Target (16/10/11)
Learning Target
To research haunted places/buildings.
What could you do?
- Research haunted places/buildings on the internet.
- Print out pictures of haunted places/buildings found on the web.
- Research haunted places/buildings at the library.
- Find out why people think these places/buildings are haunted.
- Research famous or historical ghosts.
- Find out about any local ghosts.
- Find out about local haunted places/buildings.
- Research any famous or historical haunted buildings/places.
- Anything else you find out about ghosts, haunted places/buildings.
Golden Book Children 13/10/11
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Golden Book Children 6/10/11
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Golden Book Children (29/9/11)
What an absolute super star! Lewis has made a fantastic start in Year 3, he tries his best in everything he does, he always produces work of a good standard and sets a great example.
Ayisha is concienscious, hard working and extremely helpful, well done! Keep up the good work
Useful Websites for the Learning Log Target
Sunday, 25 September 2011
New Learning Log Target (28/9/11)
Learning Target
To research theatres.
What could you do?
- Research theatres on the internet.
- Print out pictures of theatres found on the web.
- Research theatres at the library.
- Have a go at drawing a set design of a scene from The Phantom of the Opera.
- Brainstorm what jobs you think there may be at a theatre.
- List the things found in a theatre.
- Find out about local theatres.
- Research any famous or historical theatres.
- Anything else you find out about theatres.
To be handed in by Wednesday 12th October
Golden Book Children (22/9/11)
Phantom of the Opera Masks
Monday, 19 September 2011
Golden Book Children (16/9/11)
First Learning Log Target
Learning Target
To research masks and gain ideas.
What could you do?
- Research masks on the internet.
- Print out masks found on the web.
- Research masks at the library.
- Draw your own ideas for a mask.
- Brainstorm materials you want to use to make your mask.
- Draw different shapes or a mask
e.g. eye mask, full face mask, half face mask.
- Find out different events where masks
are worn.
- Research any famous or historical masks.
- Anything else you find out about masks.
To be handed in by Friday 23rd September
Autumn 1 Half Termly Letter
7th September
Dear Parent,
Welcome back, I hope you all had a super summer.
Here are some reminders of dates and topics for this coming half term.
P.E. Monday and
Thursday, children will need outdoor kits and suitable footwear e.g. trainers
or pumps.
Spellings New spellings will be given every Monday and tests will be on
the Friday afternoon of the same week, the spellings given are words related to the
class theme and words with a focus on a particular word rules e.g. suffixes,
prefixes, singular, plural rather than the actual words. So when practicing
them please emphasise the rule e.g. adding -ing.
Homework Homework is the
learning logs, a new learning target will be put into the books every fortnight
and your child will have 2 weeks to fill the 2 pages with anything they think
relates to the learning target, the deadline date will be at the bottom of the
I would be very grateful if you could encourage your child to complete every
piece of homework and to hand it in on time. It is essential for your child to
get into a routine before they start high school.
their school reading book at home. I would like them to read everyday,
and if you could please write a small comment about what they have read and
sign it in their reading journal. We will aim to listen to your child read at
school once a week (reading timetable attached) so please ensure your child
brings their book and reading record on their designated reading day.
This term our class theme is The Phantom of the Opera, so all our subjects will
be related to this. Here are some of the activities we will be doing this half
Play/script writing and shape poems
/ calligrams related to The Phantom of the Opera.
As a school we follow the DCFS
Mathematics framework and during this half term we will be covering blocks A, B
and C unit 1 and also relating maths work to theatre attendance and production
Looking at light and shadows, related to a theatre and theatre
Information Communication Technology (I.C.T.)
Researching the theme.
Theatre and local “haunted” building locations and map work.
Design Technology (D.T.).
Mask making and set design.
R.E./Personal, Social, Health and Cultural Education
Islam, New beginnings
Physical Education
Dance and gymnastics.
Composition and appreciation of the music related to the theme.
Mrs Pound will be teaching Thursday afternoon, teaching R.E., PSHCE, French and
P.E. to cover my PPA time.
Also don’t forget our Year 3 blog which can be found on the homepage of the
school website, get blogging!
can you please ensure your child has an indoor pair of shoes/pumps or slippers.
I am aware
that there is a lot of information included in this letter! If any of the
is unclear, or if you have any further queries regarding your child, please do
not hesitate to see me.
I look forward to meeting you more formally at the target setting day.
Kind regards,
Miss M L Green
Year 3 Class teacher
Welcome Back
Monday, 25 July 2011
A Very Old Rock!!!!!
Sunday, 10 July 2011
The Final Learning Log Target for this year!!!
Learning Target
To show what you have learnt during Year 3.
What could you do?
- Draw pictures of things you have learnt.
- Explain in words what you have learnt.
- Look at the class blog to look at some things we have done.
Here is a reminder of some of the things we’ve done;
- Play writing - Shape poems
- Famous authors - Letter writing
- Instructions - Myths - Report writing
- Information texts - Table/place decoration
- Animation - Maths - E-books
- Changing texts and adding graphics in ICT
- Researching on the internet - P.E.
- Teeth - Healthy eating - Forces
- Haunted places - Different countries
- Castles - Mask/puppet/menu making
- Chef’s outfit - Coat of Arms
- Making a meal - Building a model castle
To be handed in by Wednesday 20th July
Golden Book Children (1/7/11)
Lillie is such a polite girl, she is helpful and friendly and she always does the right thing, a real golden girl!
Grace always tries her best, she is hard working, caring and a very good friend.
Knights and Maidens of Fieldhead Carr with their noble steeds!
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Maths Morning that turned into Maths Day!!!
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Year 3 Golden Book Children (24/6/11)
Maryam works hard, tries her best and sets a super example in class.
Elle is a conscientious girl, who always produces work of a high standard and is a valued member of Year 3.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Golden Book Children (17/6/11)
Kelis is a polite girl, who works hard, is concientious and puts 100% into everything she does and always produces super work.
Abbie is a quiet girl, who is polite, well mannered, caring and who always sets a super example to others.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Useful websites
New Learning Log Target (15/6/11)
Learning Target
To research the Tudors.
What could you do?
- Find out about the War of the Roses
- Find out about Henry VII
- Find out about Henry VIII
- Research Henry VIII’s wives.
- Name his wives.
- What happened to his wives?
- Research Henry VIII’s children.
- Name his children.
- Did his children become Kings/Queens?
- Draw a Tudor family tree.
- Find out what roman numerals are.
- Would you have liked to have lived in Tudor Times?
- Was Henry VIII a nice/good king?
- Write anything else you know about the Tudors times and the Tudor Monarchy.
To be handed in by Wednesday 29th June
Golden Book Children (10/6/11)
Hannah has worked really hard this week and produced some fantastic work, she always tries her best and has a super attitude towards school.
Joshua is a polite boy, who always sets a good example and is a valued member of Year 3.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Useful websites
New Learning Log Target (25/5/11)
Learning Target
To research myths and legends.
What could you do?
- Read a myth/legend and retell it.
- Copy/print out a myth or legend.
- List some myth/legend characters.
- Find some pictures of mythological creatures.
- Draw a mythological creature.
- Research why myths/legends were written.
- Google myths/legends and see what results you get.
- Visit the library to see if they have any myth/legend books.
- Do you have any myth/legend books? If so, bring them in for us to look at.
- Who wrote myths/legends?
- Make up your own myth/legend.
To be handed in by Wednesday 8th June
Golden Book Children (27/5/11)
Olivia is a quiet girl, who has a fantastic attitude towards school and who always tries her best.
Chloe gives 100% to everything she does, she always tries her best and is a great asset to Year 3.
Golden Book Children (20/5/11)
Keira always tries her best, always sets a great example and is a pleasure to teach.
Teegan is a quiet girl, who puts 100% into everything she does and has a great attitude towards school, well done!
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Useful Websites for the Learning Log Target
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Year 3 Chefs Cultural Dishes
Celebrity Chef, Table Decoration.
New Learning Log Target (3/5/11)
Learning Target
To research castles.
What could you do?
- Research famous castles.
- Find out about castle towns.
- List some castles.
- Find some pictures of castles.
- Research the location of castles still left in Britain.
- Research the history of a castle.
- Are they different types of castles?
- Have you ever visited a castle? If so tell me about it.
- Do you know any stories about castles? If so, retell it.
- Why were castles built?
- Draw a castle of your own design.
To be handed in by Friday 13th May
Half Termly Letter
Tuesday 26th April
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Welcome back, I hope you all had an enjoyable extra long, sunny Easter break.
Here are some reminders of dates and topics for this coming half term.
P.E. Monday and Thursday afternoons, children will need outdoor kits, since the weather has been looking up, and suitable footwear e.g. trainers or pumps.
Spellings New spellings will be given every Monday and tests will be on the Friday afternoon of the same week, the spellings given are a focus on particular word rules e.g. suffixes, prefixes, singular, plural rather than the actual words. So when practicing them please emphasise the rule e.g. adding -ing.
Homework Homework is the learning logs, a new learning target will be put into the books every fortnight and your child will have 2 weeks to fill the 2 pages with anything they think relates to the learning target, the deadline date will be at the bottom of the target.I would be very grateful if you could encourage your child to complete every piece of homework and to hand it in on time. It is essential for your child to get into a routine before they start high school.
Reading Please make sure your child reads their school reading book at home. I would like them to read everyday, and if you could please write a small comment about what they have read and sign it in their reading record booklet. We will aim to listen to your child read at school once a week so please ensure your child brings their book and reading record on their designated reading day.
This term our class theme is Castles, so all our subjects will be related to this. During this theme, as a class we will be imagining we are The Knights of Fieldhead, we will be writing legends and designing Coats of Arms and taking part in the Iron Man Games, all very fun and exciting!
Here are some of the activities we will be doing this half term;
Writing an information text on a famous castle.
As a school we follow the DCFS Mathematics framework and during this half term we will be covering blocks A and B unit 3 and also relating maths work to the theme, i.e. time, measures and distances.
Information Communication Technology (I.C.T.)
Research of castles and castle towns.
The history of famous castles.
Design Technology (D.T.)
Design a model castle.
R.E./Personal, Social, Health and Cultural Education
Muslim place of worship and Relationships.
Physical Education
Team games.
Music Songs and music from history eg Greensleeves.
Mr Walls will be teaching Thursday afternoon, teaching R.E., PSHCE and P.E. to cover my PPA time.Also don’t forget our Year 3 blog which can be found on the homepage of the school website, get blogging!
I am aware that there is a lot of information included in this letter! If any of the
information is unclear, or if you have any further queries regarding your child, please do not hesitate to see me.
Kind regards,
Miss M L Green
Year 3 Class teacher
Welcome Back!
Miss Green
Friday, 8 April 2011
Golden Book Children (1/4/11)
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Flex Dance Day







Wednesday, 23 March 2011
New Learning Log Target 21/3/11
To show me what you have learnt in Maths this term.
Think about everything you know about Maths.
What could you do?
- Write what times tables you know
- Draw what 2D and 3D shapes you know
- Show what fractions you know
- Think about odd and even numbers
- Show what clock times you know
- Draw lines of symmetry on letters or shapes
- Show how you can measure lines accurately
- Draw bar charts, pictograms or tables
- Show your knowledge of addition and subtraction
- Anything else you want to show
- Try to include different things to what you did last term
To be handed in by Friday 1st April
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Golden Book Children (18/3/11)
Abbie is a very polite girl, who has a great sense of humour, who always tries her best and who has a great attitude towards school.
Alyssa is a friendly girl, who puts 100% into everything she does and who is always willing to help.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Golden Book Children (11/3/11)
Joshua is a lovely, polite boy, who ALWAYS does the right thing, who sets a fantastic example to others and who is an absolute pleasure to teach.
Kelis is a friendly girl, who has a super attitude towards school, who tries her best in everything she does and who is always willing to lend a hand, a real golden girl!
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
World Book Day


Sunday, 6 March 2011
Golden Book Children (4/3/11)
Davey tries hard to set a good example to others, he is a team player and works well with his classmates.
Chloe is a polite, quiet girl, who always tries her best, is always friendly and is a pleasure to teach.
Sunday, 27 February 2011
New Learning Log Target
To research solid, liquid and gas (changing State).
What could you do?
- Research what the terms solid, liquid and gas mean.
- List some examples of solids, liquids and gases.
- Draw pictures of examples of solids, liquids and gases.
- Research things that can be solids and liquids or liquids and gases or all three.
- Think about what foods are liquid and solid.
- What types of gas do you know?
- Explain what solid, liquid and gas feels like.
- Think about water; as a solid, a liquid and a gas and explain what you know.
- How do things change state?
- What foods can be solid and liquid?
To be handed in by Wednesday 16th March
Half Termly Letter
Welcome back, I hope you all had a relaxing break.
Here are some reminders of dates and topics for this coming half term.
P.E. Monday and Thursday afternoons, children will need indoor kits and suitable footwear e.g. trainers or pumps.
Spellings New spellings will be given every Monday and tests will be on the Friday afternoon of the same week, the spellings given are a focus on particular word rules e.g. suffixes, prefixes, singular, plural rather than the actual words. So when practicing them please emphasise the rule e.g. adding -ing.
Homework Homework is the learning logs, a new learning target will be put into the books every fortnight and your child will have 2 weeks to fill the 2 pages with anything they think relates to the learning target, the deadline date will be at the bottom of the target.I would be very grateful if you could encourage your child to complete every piece of homework and to hand it in on time. It is essential for your child to get into a routine before they start high school.
Reading Please make sure your child reads their school reading book at home. I would like them to read everyday, and if you could, please, write a small comment about what they have read and sign it in their reading record booklet. We will aim to listen to your child read at school once a week so please ensure your child brings their book and reading record on their designated reading day.
This half term we are continuing our class theme of Celebrity Chefs, so all our subjects will be related to this. We have now chosen countries and are in the process of researching them and with this information we are going to produce a booklet which includes information about the place and food native to it.
Here are some of the activities we will be doing this half term;
Performance poetry and report writing.
As a school we follow the DCFS Mathematics framework and during this half term we will be covering blocks C, D and E unit 2 and also relating maths work to the theme, i.e. weights, measures and money.
Changing state and food related science.
Information Communication Technology (I.C.T.)
Producing an e-booklet related to the theme.
Geography and History
The history, location and information about the chosen countries.
Design Technology (D.T.).
Preparing and making a cultural meal.
Design and make a table decoration and chef outfit.
R.E./Personal, Social, Health and Cultural Education
Easter and Going for goals.
Physical Education
Net and wall games (basketball).
Songs and music related to the country chosen by the children and the theme ie; food and cooking.
Mr Walls will be teaching Thursday afternoon, teaching R.E., PSHCE and P.E. to cover my PPA time.
Also don’t forget our Year 3 blog which can be found on the homepage of the school website, get blogging!
I am aware that there is a lot of information included in this letter! If any of the information is unclear, or if you have any further queries regarding your child, please do not hesitate to see me.
Kind regards,
Miss M L Green
Year 3 Class teacher
Golden Book Children (18/2/11)
Alice is a girl who always has a lot to say, she is polite, friendly and always has a smile on her face. She is a real pleasure to teach.
Grace is a polite, confident girl, who is always willing to help, who sets a good example and is a real golden girl, well done!